Puppets 2006-2015

Below you can find a selection of images relating to stop motion and live action puppets I have made for various projects. These have all been hand made including the ball and socket armatures (where the stop motion puppets are concerned).

Swynshire: The Collector

Swynshire: The Collector was primarily a student film that turned into a labour of love and continued its production beyond the completion of the course. This ambitious project was completed with a fair size crew as well as help from the Skillset Academy of Wales. During the project my role varied and I had to […]

Straight 8: Aegis

Aegis was created as a part of the Straight 8 competition in 2010 where the film was to be created using a single canister of super 8mm film without any editing. I co-created the project with Hannah McKimm over a 10 day period from start to finish including the puppet fabrication. My main roles in […]

Hana’s Helpline

I worked for a short period at Calon in the Hana’s Helpline production department. Creating cutout props for scenes and even doing some test animations with two of the characters from the production. More images and video to come.  

Copyright 2004 - 2024 John "Howrith" Bryan